
Wow what a day. This morning I went to a press preview thinking it was going to be like any other press preview (meaning, we look at the product, I take some pictures and then leave) until I met the designer and chief executive. Peeps, if you haven't checked out Mary Norton's accessories collection you MUST DO IT NOW. Not only is this woman SUPER talented, her story... I just... wow. I won't go into too many details about it in this medium, but just to give you an idea, this woman has seen HELL and bounced back like a freakin' champ. And you know what really brought tears to my eyes? She told me this story in the most sincere and nicest way ever. Not bitter. Not angry. Just this is how it was, now it's like this, and we keep moving forward. People, for once I don't think my words can convey how amazing this meeting was or how so unbelievably awesome Mary Norton is. I walked out thinking I can also conquor any obstacle whether it's personal, professional or a big rock in the road as I go on my 6 mile run in the mornings. What an amazing way to start the day. Oh and her accessories- are just as incredible as her!